Sunday, April 15, 2007

Buckling Up and Battening Down

Maybe you know this, maybe not. But New Jersey's multimillionaire, impervious-to-rules-the-rest-of-us-must-follow and rather arrogant Governor Jon Corzine nearly died a few nights ago in a car accident because he did not use a seat belt. He's in critical but stable condition even as the governance of New Jersey is also in critical but stable condition.

Buckle up for safety. Buckle up. Whether in the front seat, the back seat, the middle seat.

And as the weather does its thing this week (as all those fancy-dancer meteorologists and their satellite gizmos are telling us it will) batten down the hatches -- that is to say, be prepared. Make sure you know how to reach key relatives and friends, and vice versa. Same with vulnerable neighbors. Do you have phones and radios that don't require electricity? Do you have batteries? Do you have water and juice? Do you have foods that don't require cooking? Do you have what your pets need? Do you have first-aid kits? Do you have waterproof boots and other gear? Do you know what to do in case of tornados and Nor'easters homing in on YOUR home?

Just asking.

1 comment:

West said...

I didn't realize he wasn't wearing a seatbelt or that his injuries were due to that fact.

I'm afraid to ask what a Nor'easter is, but I do need to check our preparedness for emergency situations.