Thursday, January 25, 2007

What Exactly Is Isaiah Washington Being "Treated" For??

This actor has checked himself into some program after making homophobic remarks about his Grey's Anatomy co-star. Is there a Betty Ford Clinic-style Stars-R-Us place for homophobes? This seems like a stupid public relations move that diminishes the seriousness of seeking treatment for the abuses of alcohol and drugs and such. Through Halle Berry's disastrous marriage to Eric Benet, we learned about the "need" for treatment for sexual addiction to women other than his wife. Mama would have a name for that -- and the Scriptures to back her up! Not to mention something to knock him in the head or whip his butt! There are legitimate reasons to seek treatment, but too often these folks in the public eye seem to equate "I'm going into therapy" with cleaning up their public images. Give us a break!

Homophobia exists in America and very much so in Black America. Washington needs to clean up his act but not pretend that going into therapy is the way ahead. Whatever this "therapy" is is merely the way to hold on to his acting gig on Grey's Anatomy.


West said...

It's such an odd situation.

The initial situation got a certain amount of attention, but this latest one, where he's being criticized for repeating the word (as opposed to "slurring" with it) seems as strange as him "checking himself into some program."

As you say, there are issues that need to be addressed. It's too bad it's accompanied by so much insubstantial fluff, as well.

smerdula said...

Dear Ms. Shipp,
I was linked to your blog through the Hamilton Heights community preservation e-newsletter. I am a Hamilton Heights resident and Jschool alumni of 2003 (Bronx Beat with the esteemed Addie Rimmer.) Good to know you are in the neighborhood.
All the best,
Jeremy Smerd